Travel Health

Travel Health

Travel health services safeguard travellers from health risks associated with international trips, helping them stay safe and healthy while they explore the world. To prepare for a safe, responsible, and enjoyable travel experience, visit Kirrawee Doctors for travel care tailored to your needs.

What to Expect

We offer travel health services to help you have the best travel experience possible, without needing to worry about potential illnesses.

  • Travel health consultations: We offer guidance on travel insurance and general health and safety, and if necessary, we review your vaccination history.
  • Prescriptions and medications: If necessary, we can prescribe medications for malaria prevention, traveller’s diarrhea, altitude sickness, or any other concerns.
  • Travel vaccinations: We offer vaccinations for common illnesses such as influenza, yellow fever, hepatitis A and B, and others depending on travel location.
  • Travel health kits: We provide a travel first-aid kit that includes band-aids, over-the-counter medications, and any other supplies needed OR We offer guidance on what to include in a travel health kit, such as band-aids, over-the-counter medications, and other prescription medications.
  • Post-travel health evaluation: Depending on your travel plans and health status, we may recommend a post-travel consult to evaluate your health and address any potential concerns.

Book an Appointment

Don’t risk your trip by being unprepared.

Visit the travel health specialists at Kirrawee Doctors for optimal travel health care, conveniently located near the Sydney airport.

Book your GP appointment